Sharing Rust Stories
It's not news that Rust Developers love Rust. When the Nigerian Rust community first began, a lot of its early members would share their experiences with the Rust programming language when they joined in. Every experience was captivating and unique.
We started "Rust Stories" to share these experiences. We document the stories of rust developers in the community and post them here for anyone who cares to read.
If you have an interesting story about your rust journey to share, please send an email to
Femi Bankole published his first rust crate, hyper-scan; a multi-threaded port scanning and service detection CLI tool. It scans 65,535
ports in ~1s
. Feel free to drop suggestions!
WASM Runtime Overview
WASM has become one of the most desirable technologies to include in projects that require a sandboxed program that works in near-native speed. Polytope Labs gives an overview of the history and ideation behind web assembly.
WASM Execution
Polytope Labs organized a session about WASM execution flow - from source language to byte code. This session was led by Steve Akinyemi, a Senior Rust Engineer at Fission.

Zap is an app launcher with some unique features that makes it quick to access your apps, navigate between windows, and enable you to group apps you frequently use together into load-outs to ease cycling back-and-forth between these apps.
Victor Aremu built it as a more performant upgrade of his earlier version, Switch. He discusses it further here and you can also watch a walkthrough video on how to use Zap here.